International product launch

Psoriasis vulgaris, better known as psoriasis, can have a major impact on the lives of those affected. Philips developed a portable, innovative therapy product using blue LED light. How could we make the treatment with Philips BlueControl known amongst the different target groups? Our focus was a campaign that provides fundamental information about the new form of therapy and is easily adaptable in any market - and positions Philips in the field of dermatology.
Facts and figures

Philips Light & Health



In 5 words:
Digital campaign
Content marketing

FOX Award in Gold 2018
FOX Visual Award in Gold 2018

Frau bei der Anwendung von Philips BlueControl mit Kind im Arm
Philips BlueControl Kampagnenwebsite auf verschiedenen Devices Philips BlueControl Kampagnenwebsite auf verschiedenen Devices
User-centric approach: Image videos, large-format motives focusing on different life situations and media assets show that therapy with Philips BlueControl is easy to use and fits into everyday life.
Philips BlueControl Content auf Instagram und Website Philips BlueControl Content auf Instagram und Website
Screen aus dem Image-Video zu Philips BlueControl Screen aus dem Image-Video zu Philips BlueControl
Media-Asset für die social Media Kanäle von Philips BlueControl Media-Asset für die social Media Kanäle von Philips BlueControl
"Don't change yourself - Change your idea about psoriasis therapy." The communication strategy focuses on the "blue LED light" form of therapy and delivers user-centric content with added value across all channels.
Philips BlueControl: Collage aus Contents und Produkt Philips BlueControl: Collage aus Contents und Produkt
The project in detail

Innovations that make life easier
Psoriasis vulgaris, better known as psoriasis, can greatly affect patients’ lives. However, finding a suitable therapy that meets personal needs while not posing any limitations in everyday life is often difficult. The Dutch company, Philips has now developed a product that will provide relief to patients through its longstanding experience with innovative light technology.

“Philips BlueControl” is an innovative, portable treatment option for patients suffering from mild to moderate psoriasis. By means of blue LED light, the medical device supports the natural healing process of the skin, without any chemical agents. To raise awareness for Philips in the field of dermatology, the new type of treatment and the product itself, cyperfection developed a comprehensive digital strategy for 2017/18 and an image / product campaign.

The challenge – the brief
Since both the new treatment method using blue LED light and the product itself were relatively unknown within the target group, an attention-grabbing campaign was needed. This had the purpose of activating while simultaneously enlightening, in order to create a basic understanding of the form of therapy. In addition, the campaign had to be internationally adaptable.

The goals

  • Position Philips in the field of dermatology
  • Promote the new form of therapy (blue LED light)
  • Increase awareness of the medical device (Philips BlueControl)
  • Increase sales figures

The target group
B2B: Treating dermatologists
B2C: People with mild to moderate psoriasis

The insight
Patients with psoriasis vulgaris not only suffer from the visual and physical symptoms of their skin disease, but also from the mental stress associated with the disease and its day-to-day challenges. The effectiveness, tolerability and application of the therapy were therefore particularly important for the target group. Many patients have been looking for a suitable therapy for a long time, one which meets these three criteria and the majority of them haven’t managed to find it, even after years of searching. The desire for something new, an innovation, is big.

Philips now wants to offer these people a new opportunity and prompt them to rethink their psoriasis therapy.

User-centered approach
Each patient is different, with individual needs, hobbies, desires and concerns. Despite this diversity, they all have one thing in common: they all want change. By means of an emotional image video, which serves as an introduction to the campaign page, large-scale motifs that show the application of therapy in different life situations as well as appropriate media assets, the focus of the communication was not so much about the therapy in everyday life as it was about the individual.

Philips BlueControl does exactly that. It is the world’s first portable medical device with blue LED light for the treatment of mild to moderate psoriasis. No matter where and when it is used – Philips BlueControl fits seamlessly into everyday life. This is also evident in the campaign claim: “Do not change yourself – change your idea about psoriasis therapy.”

The communications strategy
The communication focus was therefore not primarily the product itself, but the therapy form “Blue LED light.” This communication hierarchy was rigorously applied across all elements of the campaign. For example, on the campaign website the user is first informed about blue LED light and its effects, before more detailed information is given about the product itself. Another part of the campaign page and an important aspect of the communication plan is the content blog “Psoriasis Stop.” Here, users can find current articles on psoriasis as well as tips and suggestions for everyday life and general well-being.

High community factor
In order to promote patients initiating contact with each other and with Philips, a Facebook fan page was set up specifically for the campaign. The latest news and articles from the network is shared with the users here, in addition to the Psoriasis Stop blog posts. This feature is designed to support people with psoriasis in their everyday lives and to provide assistance. The gained insights from comments and reactions are then later applied for further content planning. This makes it possible to tailor the content even more effectively to the needs of the users.

One becomes two!
In Q4 2017, the campaign website was expanded to include a second product: Philips BlueControl Advance. The medical device is the second generation – with a shorter treatment time, new accessories and a different design. The launch was also supported by means of online banners, social media marketing and content marketing (article about the product and the shorter duration of treatment).

Our services
As the digital lead agency of Philips Light & Health we show strength in:

  • Consulting
  • Product and brand positioning
  • Digital strategy
  • Brand strategy
  • Campaign planning and media strategy
  • Conception & creative
  • Usability & User Experience
  • Process definition
  • Cross-channel planning
  • Content marketing / content development
  • Localization / roll-out
  • SEO optimization on and off page

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