Curious about
human-led AI?

Book your workshop
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For over 25 years, we have helped guide our clients through an increasingly complex digital world.

Generative AI and Large Language Models in particular are driving a range of powerful tools that are augmenting the way we work and live. We believe that artificial intelligence requires real human understanding behind it, so we are committed to leading the way by exploring how we can use this new technology to create even better, more meaningful, and effective customer experiences.

Workshop 01 - Generative AI 101
? Who can benefit from this workshop?

Have you heard a bit about generative AI, but don’t know how it actually effects you, or where to begin exploring this new world? Are you curious about bringing AI tools into your workflow but don’t fully understand where they can help? This is the perfect workshop for you.

What you will learn

We‘ll discuss a brief history of AI and why there is so much hype right now. Then we will take a closer look at what‘s changed, what generative AI can (and can’t do) do and some areas of impact. Together we’ll help you understand some best practices of Human-led AI principals that will help you take the lead when working with this technology.

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Workshop 02 - Strategic Helpers
? Who can benefit from this workshop?

Anyone who works on Brand-, Digital- and Communication-Strategy: Want to know how you can integrate AI into your ways of working to get even more efficient, find better insights and launch new ideas? Let's talk about the potential of AI for you and your team.

What you will learn

How to use AI tools to help you collect data and insights, create a realistic picture of your audience, understand and assess the strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats of your business and create a briefing for human-led AI partnerships.

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Workshop 03 - Creative Coworkers
? Who can benefit from this workshop?

Anyone who works on creative projects from concept through to final production: Copywriters, editorial teams, social media, designers, art directors, creative directors and any other creators.

What you will learn

When it comes to creativity, generative AI is especially exciting and fast-moving. From audio to video and everywhere in between, we’ll show you where generative AI is impacting creativity, and how you can jump in!

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Workshop 03 - Analytic Assistant
? Who can benefit from this workshop?

Love to dive deep into numbers, target audiences and market needs? Then this workshop is perfect for you. We’ll show you how you can use the power of AI-technology to step-up your analytic game.

What you will learn

As AI has access and the ability to understand a very wide rage of data within seconds, it is the most powerful tool for analytics. From summarizing information you need, creating a SWOT, finding insights, trends and prognoses – AI can support you. Let’s talk about how the latest tools can be of use for your specific tasks.

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Who we are ?
Good to know ?

There are no stupid questions In this fast-moving and ever-changing landscape, it’s actually impossible to know everything. All our workshops have an ”ask anything, anytime” policy.

Hands-on We don’t want to just talk about things, we want to show you and give you time to explore. We’ll come up with “assignments” to do together so that you get real time experience working with some of these tools. But having said that…

We aren’t here to teach you one tool The purpose of our workshops is to show you how generative AI can have a positive impact on your business, by discussing your challenges beforehand and coming prepared with some AI based solutions. BUT we are not doing a deep dive into how-to on any specific tool. Rather, our purpose is to introduce you to the world of generative AI and help guide you towards relevant paths.

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What can I expect from the workshop?

That depends on what you want! We‘ll discuss your personal needs & expectations before the workshop, and bring you some suggestions for how to implement AI into your way of working.

What will be included in the workshop?

First of all: SNACKS, healthy ones and not so healthy ones. Apart from that we will adapt the base of our workshop according to what you would like to do. After the workshop you will get the presentation and a summary.

Will the workshop be remote or in person?

Whatever you prefer and suits you more. We always love to see & meet new faces but we are flexible and remote experts. So your place or ours – doesn’t matter.

How long will it take for you to prepare the workshop?

That depends on your individual needs. Our goal is to provide you with real value, therefore it’s important for us to talk to you before preparing the workshop.

How many people can join a session?

That is totally up to you! We have a lot of space and would be happy to meet you and your team!

Do I need to prepare anything?

Nope! Just bring your motivation to learn more about AI and how it can be of use for you and your business. We will prepare everything for you!

Do you have any other questions? Then get in touch with us and we can discuss the details. Let’s talk!

Don‘t know what workshop is best for you? We got you!
Get in touch with us and we discuss our workshop offering together with you to find the perfect match for your needs.
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